Mildew Prevention Tips for Homeowners

Posted on: 21 July 2022

You don't want mildew showing up in your home if you can help it because it smells and can even affect your health if exposed to it repeatedly. Fortunately, you can do a great job at preventing it in the first place if you take these measures.

Fix Leaks Quickly

One way mildew is able to develop is when plumbing starts to leak. It can elevate moisture levels and that's perfect for mildew growth. Before it does have the chance to develop though, you want to repair leaks as quickly as you can.

You can identify leaks in a couple of ways, such as checking your water bills for higher rates or checking for signs of water damage around plumbing fixtures and pipes. Once you target a leak or just think one is present based on the signs you're seeing, you can hire a plumber to come up with a repair.

Maintain the Proper Moisture Levels

One thing you don't want happening in your home is for the moisture levels to go up because again, this can create the perfect conditions for mildew to grow all over the place. It won't be able to if you just keep moisture levels down as best you can, and there are several ways you can do this pretty easily.

For instance, you can set up a couple of dehumidifiers in your household and run them periodically throughout the day. You could also run the exhaust fans that are part of your AC system to keep moisture levels in an optimal range each day.

Keep the Bathroom Dry

One of the most common areas where mildew develops is the bathroom because its humidity levels are often higher than in other parts of the home. That's because of things like the shower and water faucets. You can keep mildew from developing in the bathrooms of your home, however, just by keeping these spaces dry. 

If you spill water on any of the surfaces, make a point to dry them as quickly as possible. Then you won't give mildew the chance to develop and cause further issues for your family.

If you don't want mildew affecting various aspects of your home, then it's important to take an active interest in mildew prevention. There are a lot of things you can do as. It's just important that you stay active in this prevention and do what works best for your property. 

Reach out to a company such as The Mold Inspector to find out more.


Don't Let Damage Define You

While you probably hope your home never becomes damaged, there is a realistic chance that at some point, you will have a storm, a flood, or a plumbing issue that causes some trouble. When this happens, you should call a damage contractor in your area. There is a lot more that these crews can do than most people realize. They can even work with insurance companies, in most cases, to make sure the work you need on your home is covered. You should never let damage define you, but you should learn more about damage contractors and their work by reading some articles here.

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