Steps To Begin Recovery And Repair After Emergency Water Damage

Posted on: 21 February 2023

Water unexpectedly dripping or flooding into part of your house is a nightmare scenario for every homeowner. If you are dealing with an emergency water damage situation, you will, of course, want to respond quickly to try and contain the issue and get your home back to its normal state. Here are some steps you can take during the incident or its immediate aftermath to get on the road towards full repair and recovery.

Turn Water Off

It should go without saying but if your emergency situation is still an active one with water still coming into the home via a burst pipe or some other issue, find your water shutoff valve and turn the water off. You have to stop or prevent additional damage before you can begin assessing the existing damage.

Turn Electricity Off If Flooded

If you are dealing with a situation with standing water, do not wade into the water while your electricity is still turned on. Contact your electric company for instructions on getting the electricity turned off. Make sure all light switches or powered devices in the flooded room are in the off position before wading into the water.

Use a Wet Vacuum for Standing Water

If you want to remove standing water in an efficient manner, a dry and wet vacuum may be one of your best options. You can find one at any hardware or home improvement store. Get the water out as quickly as you can because the longer it lingers, the more damage will set in, including the possibility of mold beginning to grow.

Ventilate the Area

If possible, open any windows or doors that will let in air from outside. If that's not possible, you can use a ventilation device only if it is safe to plug it in and use electricity again.

Dry and Dehumidify

You can also use dehumidifiers or fans to help air circulate and remove humidity from the room in addition to any ventilation options you might have. The idea here is that you want to get as much moisture as possible completely out of the room, including any moisture that is lingering in the air. After you go through this process for a bit, use some old bath towels to wipe down the floors and walls of every last drop of moisture.

Disinfect With Bleach and Water

Mix one part bleach with one part water and spray this solution on any affected floors or walls after it is dry, being sure to wipe it down again afterwards. You are trying to kill off any bacteria or mold that might be starting to form.

Seek Professional Emergency Water Damage Repair

For best results though after suffering water damage, contact a local expert for assistance. This will provide a fast response and better peace of mind for your family.

For more information, contact a company like HIGH TOUCH RESTORATION.


Don't Let Damage Define You

While you probably hope your home never becomes damaged, there is a realistic chance that at some point, you will have a storm, a flood, or a plumbing issue that causes some trouble. When this happens, you should call a damage contractor in your area. There is a lot more that these crews can do than most people realize. They can even work with insurance companies, in most cases, to make sure the work you need on your home is covered. You should never let damage define you, but you should learn more about damage contractors and their work by reading some articles here.

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